When he (Apollos) arrived, he was a great help to those who, by grace, had believed. (Acts 18:27b)
In story-telling fashion, Ruling Elder Al Wettach gave testimony to a simple but profound truth in his sermon: People who encounter Jesus are transformed to be a great help to others. Al showed us how this truth is displayed in the story of Aquila and Priscilla, how he saw this truth displayed at our denomination’s General Assembly, and how he saw this truth being lived out at FPCB when he was younger. Let’s consider the story of Aquila and Priscilla:
The Apostle Paul encountered Jesus and was transformed from a Jewish Pharisee to a Christian Church Planter. Paul went to the marketplace in Corinth, where he met Aquila and Priscilla, who were Jewish tentmakers. Paul was hired to work alongside them, and this relationship lasted about 18 months, after which Paul took leave of them. This is all that Luke records. There is no mention of Paul sharing the gospel with Aquila and Priscilla, but their story reveals that Paul indeed shared Christ with them, and they became Christians.
Aquila and Priscilla heard about a Jewish preacher named Apollos who preached the baptism of John. They went to look for Apollos. When they found him, they gently corrected him by telling him about Jesus and his resurrection. Apollos was transformed by his encounter with Jesus. He stopped preaching the baptism of John and became a preacher of Jesus's grace and forgiveness. Luke tells us that Apollos became a great help to many.
Al Wettach applied what we observed in the biblical text. He applied it to his experience at our denomination’s General Assembly, where the gentle correction of Aquila and Priscilla was demonstrated. Al’s description of the Assembly and how EPC leaders work together was reassuring. Al also gave testimony of how his life was transformed by an encounter with Jesus through the gentle corrections of his parents, Robert and Helen, and by a woman and teacher of the faith, Marg Brown. To learn more, listen to his sermon by using the link below.
The story of two humble tentmakers, Aquila and Priscilla, encourages us to be watchful for opportunities to offer gentle corrections and the hope of Jesus. Be watchful. Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can offer to others - and do for him. To God be the glory!