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Sunday Mornings @ 10 AM
First-Time Guests
We know that coming to a new church for the first time can often be intimidating. At Bakerstown you can expect a climate of kindness, an atmosphere of genuine enthusiasm, and an experience you will enjoy.
Everyone is welcome to worship with us, our messages are biblically centered and are meant to engage both the skeptic and the believer alike.
What to Expect

What time does the service start?
Worship may be attended online or onsite at 10:00 a.m.
What kind of music will I experience?
We worship God in many styles and expressions. Our main focus is to sing the gospel of Jesus Christ each week.
What do you have for kids?
Our services are planned with families in mind. We offer childcare for children aged infant through 3-years-old (no sign-ups necessary) and will soon hold Trinity Kids, a program for kids through 3rd grade, during Worship.
What are the services like?
Our services last for approximately an hour. During that time we will sing, pray and listen to a sermon from the Bible.
What should I wear?
You'll find everything from casual clothes to business suits at Worship. Bakerstown is not about what you look like or what you wear but the condition of your heart.
Is there someone that can help get me situated when I come to visit?
You will be welcomed as you enter the parking lot by our parking crew. Members of our greeting team will be inside the front doors to help you find a place for you and your family.