In his sermon on Sunday, Pastor Jeremy Collins explored the significance of God's covenant with Noah, as outlined in Genesis chapters 6 to 9. He began by summarizing the backstory of human sinfulness that led to God's decision to cleanse the earth through a flood, highlighting how mankind's wickedness grieved God’s heart (Gen 6:5-6). Jeremy emphasized that this account serves as a sobering reminder of the seriousness of sin, not only in the world but within ourselves (Rom 3:23). He discussed the necessary relationship between sin and judgment, noting that while the thought of judgment can be uncomfortable, it is essential to recognize that God's holiness includes justice. God would be unjust if there were no consequences for disobeying His commands.
Jeremy then transitioned to the covenant God made with Noah, highlighting three key aspects:
1. The covenant's unilateral nature: God makes and keeps the covenant with Noah without requiring anything from Noah or his descendants (Gen 9:9-11).
2. The covenant's global significance: God’s covenant encompasses all creation, not just Noah (Gen 9:12-13).
3. The sign of the rainbow: The bow continually signifies God's promise to be faithful to the terms of his covenant with Noah (Gen 9:14-17).
Jeremy encouraged us to embrace the message of salvation through faith in Christ, drawing a parallel to the Ark, which symbolizes Christ. Just as the Ark saved Noah and his family from judgment, Christ shields believers from judgment and offers new life to those who trust God (1 Pet 3:20-21). He called for reflection on our commitment to live faithfully like Noah (Heb 11:7).
In closing, Pastor Jeremy urged us, as a congregation, to be a beacon of hope in a dark and broken world. He emphasized the importance of sharing the gospel's good news rather than attributing modern-day tragedies—such as the wildfires in California—directly to divine judgment. Pastor Jeremy invited everyone to consider what it means to follow God earnestly and to be known as a church that faithfully follows and represents Jesus to all who come into contact with FPCB.
It's a great day to live the Gospel!
God willing, we hope to see you on Sundays!