The Book of Acts highlights the truth of the adage, "True Christians are like tea bags which show their true color in hot water."
The Church was established through the Holy Spirit's conviction during Peter's sermon in Jerusalem. Those who listened to Peter realized they had sinned against Jesus, whom they had crucified. They also understood that Jesus' resurrection held them accountable for crucifying the Messiah. Three thousand people were baptized that day, and the Church was formed as a community committed to making disciples through teaching, prayer, fellowship, and caring for one another. This model continues to be followed by true churches today. It is the model that prepares us to show our true colors when faced with the challenges of doing Gospel ministry.
In the book of Acts, we see the challenges that early Christians had to endure. There were disagreements, particularly about how Gentile and Jewish believers should live harmoniously as followers of Jesus. Even two apostles, Peter and Paul, had differing opinions on this matter. However, they ultimately decided to set aside human-made divisions to unite believers under a single identity in Christ. Early Christians often faced persecution, imprisonment, and even martyrdom. For instance, the stoning of Stephen serves as a tragic example of someone being killed because of their faith in Jesus.
The book of Acts primarily records Luke's account of Paul's missionary journeys and the legal disputes that ultimately led Paul to Rome under house arrest. Despite his difficulties, Paul remained a steadfast servant of Jesus, sharing the Gospel with Jews and Gentiles. Throughout his ministry, Paul endured numerous hardships, including three imprisonments totaling 5.5 years, multiple beatings, stonings, and shipwrecks, as well as dangers from robbers, fellow Jews, and Gentiles. He also faced exposure to the elements and prolonged periods of hunger and thirst. Despite these challenges, Paul remained committed to spreading the message of Jesus.
Acts concludes with a chapter that depicts Paul living in peace with God through unwavering faith in Jesus. Acts 28 starts with the resolving shipwreck story on the Island of Malta. Before boarding another ship, Paul ministered to the people of Malta in impactful ways. While en route to Rome, the ship stopped at Puteoli for a week, where some Christians offered Paul hospitality. Upon reaching Rome, many Christians traveled a long distance to see Paul at the port of entry. Luke wrote, "At the sight of these people, Paul thanked God and was encouraged." On his way to Rome, Paul demonstrated a strong finish. His primary concern was Jesus, and his secondary concern was for those in need of Jesus. This is evidence of faith in the power of the resurrection.
In Rome, Paul continued to preach about Jesus even while under house arrest. He offered Jesus to the Jews in Rome. He offered Jesus to Roman citizens. He welcomed all who came to see him during his two years under house arrest, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about Jesus with boldness and without hindrance.
With every step of obedience, every challenge, and every blessing from God, Paul possessed the power of peace with God, which comes through faith in Jesus. We have access to this same peace with God. In his letter to the Church in Rome, we find verses that combine to offer “The Romans Road.” It is a series of verses that begins with bad news: all have sinned and deserve death according to God’s law and justice. The good news is:
Jesus - motivated by love - took our judgment upon himself and died in our place on the cross of Calvary and
God promises salvation to all who 1) declare with their lips that Jesus is Lord, and 2) believe in their hearts that God raised him from the dead.
The road to the power of peace with God is available to you by clicking here. Once you open this link, go to your Bible to mark it. Go to Romans 3:23, underline it and write “go to 6:23.” Then go to Romans 6:23, underline it, and write “go to 5:8.” Repeat this pattern. Become familiar with the Romans Road. Share it with anyone who wants to know how to have the power of peace with God. Live in the assurance of God’s promises. No matter what challenges you face, don’t quit following Jesus. Hold tightly to the peace you have with God through faith in Jesus. Share the good news of Jesus without fear or impediment.
It's a Great Day to live the Gospel!
See you on Sundays!